The story behind Have You Pooped Today?

During the summer of 2020, Fomo Joe, Shabs, and The Native were in search of a place to go for some fun and experience a sense of normalcy. Leave it to us degenerates to find somewhere with a little more freedom. We were introduced to Tales, who is the owner of a campground. The friendship was cultivated incredibly quickly. After months of not having the opportunity to sit down in a bar, The Native was so happy to finally be able to plop a squat. We we’re confident that tears of joy welled in his eyes. Fomo Joe and Shabs fell so in love with this place that they made a lifelong commitment to get married on this property, conceive a child, and conceive a podcast. The friendship that formed between the four of us was something completely unmatched.

Fast-forward to Summer of 2022, after a night of absolute degeneracy, in a hungover state of mind, Tales asked Shabs if she wanted to start a podcast. After an immediate “yes” and months of talking and dreaming about it, HYPT was finally a go.

The Goal of HYPT

“The common people's podcast where everyone is guest-worthy”
We are regular people, who work regular jobs, and live regular lives. Our goal of the podcast is to put the spotlight on us common people. There’s so much pressure to live life to this almost unrealistic expectation of life with fancy cars, homes, and careers. We truly believe that we are better than nobody on this show, we all come from different walks of life and everyone deserves the opportunity to share. You’re a neurosurgeon? Cool. You’re a cashier at the local bowling alley, that’s cool too! The reason we are called “Have You Pooped Today? Is because at the end of the day, no matter who you are, what you do, or what you have, everyone can answer that question. It could be as simple as “yes or no” or as detailed as one would like it to be.